Contributions and Proceedings

Slides and Posters, Proceedings 

As decided by the SOC, there will be no formal proceedings for this conference. Instead, we propose to set up an electronic archive of the contributions freely available online through Zenodo, an EU funded data and project repository. This archive is accessible through the sdOB9 zenodo community page where contributions can be submitted. 

Slides and Posters

We encourage you to share your slides and posters presented at the conference. Please follow the procedure for uploading slides and posters. PDF versions of these documents are the preferred format for Zenodo contributions for the documents to be previewed in a web browser. This can be done easily and quickly, we therefore encourage you to do it as soon as possible.

If you would like to write a more formal paper out of your contribution 

Even if there will be no formal proceedings for the meeting, we leave open the possibility for you to write a proceedings-like paper out of your contribution. To prepare such papers, please use this LaTeX template, generate a PDF file, and submit it to zenodo following the procedure for uploading proceedings-like papers. There is no formal page limit, but we recommend that you keep the spirit of proceedings papers and limit yourself to a maximum of ~ 8 pages for contributed talks and ~ 5 pages for posters. We also set a deadline for submitting these papers : December 31, 2019.

Briefly, all submissions are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number by Zenodo, thus making contributions citeable. Once all paper contributions are received, we will notify ADS to index each of the contributions as part of a larger volume (Proceedings of the 9th Meeting on Hot Subdwarfs and Related Objects). To ensure that all entries are properly indexed, it is important that each contribution include appropriate metadata. Therefore, please follow closely the tutorial for uploading these papers, in particular concerning which metadata to include in your submission. The advantage of writing and submitting such a paper is that your contribution to the sdOB9 meeting will be referenced as a proceedings publication in the ADS and will be citeable.

Please note that there will be no extensive reviewing process of these papers, which will therefore appear as they have been submitted. Both the form and substance of the papers will be of the entire responsability of the authors. Therefore, please check carefully your manuscript for english, typos, etc, before submission.  

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